Saturday, February 26, 2011

Changing the date of opening day in Michigan?

So the topic of moving opening day of gun season in Michigan from November 15th to weekends only has been proposed. Here is my opinion:
First off I am against it for traditional reasons and I also like the idea of potentially being able to hit the woods sooner than some other unlucky hunters who can't get off of work. But I have an idea if they do decide to change.
They have proposed moving it to a weekend based on a study that showed more money was spent by hunters the years that opening day was on a weekend. My idea? Divide the state into 3 units like it is already for many outdoor purposes. One Southern unit, one Central Unit and one UP or Northern unit. The Southern unit's opening day is the first weekend in November, the Central would be the next and the Northern would be the following. This would give people the chance to hunt with a bow longer if they wanted by hunting in the unit that hadn't opened for gun yet or hit all 3 gun openers potentially. A lot of hunters I know don't hunt just one area. Many, like myself, hunt in central Michigan and Northern Michigan. If they had 3 weekend openers more money could be raised by hunters trying to hit all three openers and would give people the chance to get at least one weekend opener in the field if they couldn't get in the field for if there is only a single date for the entire state. They also seem to think having it on a weekend will get new hunters in the field. I don't see how that makes sense. Every hunter has to take Hunters Safety so its not like someone is going to just pick up a gun, buy a tag and hit the woods since its the weekend. Plus, each gun season contains at least two weekends anyway. I am for anything that promotes hunting and gets newbies into the woods but I don't see how a weekend opener adds new sportsmen.

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