Thursday, November 21, 2013

Still at it. New pics.

I've been out a few times lately including today. I sat all day today and had a single doe run under me and out of sight at full speed. Its getting colder but I have no idea what stage the rut is in if its still going. Looking on Facebook, guys are still dropping some good deer. Makes me wonder if I should randomly pick another set of woods. Tomorrow I will still hunt all day instead of sitting in a tree stand for 10+ hours. I tried a buck bomb today. I sprayed a trail on my way in and shot it around throughout the day. I didn't detonate the entire thing so I can use it again. Those things have quite a bit of juice in them. Last week I still hunted for about 5 hours. I found some cool stuff; a large cedar swamp that leads to a hardwood section of the woods with nothing but oaks and steep hill after hill, a couple foundations from buildings that used to be there decades ago, and a random blood trail. I hunted the hardwoods for a while and only saw two tree stands. The blood I found led to nothing, I was hoping there was a wounded monster at the end of it but no such luck.
The trail right through a thick cedar swamp.

Random drop of blood. Never found anymore. Must assume it was just a menstruating chickadee.

I love finding old wooden blinds and stands. Makes you wonder what the hunter that built it took from it.

The walls from an old cellar from a building that was probably torn down decades ago.

My brother got redemption a couple days ago with a nice Michigan 5 point.
Never give up!

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